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April 2012
Markey, Barton Ask FAA for Details on Drones: Who’s Using Them in Public Airspace? How’s Privacy Protected?
Markey, Massachusetts Delegation Introduce Legislation to Name Cape Cod Visitors Center After Tip O’Neill
Markey: EPA’s New Fracking Safeguards Won’t Let Natural Gas Industry Escape Regulation
Markey Calls for Stronger Medical Device Protections in FDA User Fee Act Legislative Package
Markey: Republican Budget reads like the legislative version of the "Hunger Games"
Markey Praises Obama’s Crackdown on Wall Street Speculators
Markey: Sabine LNG Export Facility Approval Would Help Export U.S. Manufacturing Jobs
Rep. Markey Welcomes Visitors from the 7th District of Mass. to Captiol Hill
Markey Calls for Congressional Hearing on Google Street View Privacy Breach
BP Spill Commission Report Card Highlights Need for Markey Safety Legislation
Markey Statement on Google Street View Privacy Case
Markey, Tierney Call for Local Public Meeting on Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant To Discuss Safety, Aging-Related Issues
Eshoo, Markey Commend FCC Collaboration to Combat Cell Phone Theft
Markey to Boehner, Upton, Stearns on DOE Clean Energy Report: HERE ARE THE JOBS
Markey Applauds Approval of New Test To Help Detect Alzheimer’s Disease
Markey Statement on FTC ‘Do Not Call’ Registry Penalties
Markey Commemorates 5-Year Anniversary of Massachusetts v. EPA
March 2012
Ranking Members Waxman and Markey Release GAO Report on Subsea Well Containment Capabilities After Deepwater Horizon
Markey Statement on FDA Decision on Safety of BPA Food Packaging
Markey, Holt, Owens Introduce Bill to Keep America’s Oil, Fuel in America