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January 2012
Markey: Keystone XL Was Never Key to U.S. Energy Policy
Rep. Markey Advocates For Investments in Alzheimer's Research, Care
Markey Statement on FCC Rule on Captioning for Video Programming
Markey: New EPA Global Warming Pollution Database Should be Basis for Action
Markey, Barton: Hard to Decipher Facebook’s Commitment to Consumer Privacy
Gov. Patrick Annouces Federal Disaster Assistance
Markey Commends FCC Plan to Reform, Update Lifeline Program
Markey to EPA: No More Delays on Dioxin Health Assessment
Markey Applauds Release of Draft National Alzheimer’s Plan
Markey: Obama, Panetta Are Right to Reduce Nuclear Weapons Force
Markey Blasts Vote to Override NRC's Jaczko, Allow Acceleration of AP1000 Nuke Reactor
Mass. Wins $45 Million To Fix Roads Damaged By Tornadoes, Hurricane
Patrick- Murray Admin Announces Increase in Heating Assistance Benefit for Mass. Reside
December 2011
Rep. Markey Thanks Malden Resident, Dennis Hui, for Internship
Markey, Brady, Schwartz Call For Increasing Size of Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve
Markey, Waxman, Brady Decry Reductions in Northeast Refining Activity
Markey Statement on FCC’s Media Ownership Review
Markey, Kerry Praise Release of $21 Million in Home Heating Funds for Massachusetts
Markey Holiday Ode to Payroll Tax Deal
Dec. 20, 2011: Markey, Wyden Praise New Guidelines for Independence at Home Program