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June 2021
Markey Joins Shaheen, Murkowski in Bipartisan Legislation to Impose Sanctions on Perpetrators of Global Violence against LGBTI Communities
Senator Markey, Rep. Meng Statement on FCC Launch of E-Rate Emergency Connectivity Fund
Markey, Schumer, Casey, Colleagues Unveil Key Legislation from President Biden’s American Jobs Plan to Make Historic Investment in Care Economy
Senator Markey Urges the NRC to Improve Safety and Security of Nuclear Decommissioning Process
Statement from Markey, Warren, and Pressley on ESSER Funding for Boston Public Schools
Senator Markey and Congressman Lowenthal Applaud Appointment Of Jessica Stern As State Department LGBTQI+ Special Envoy
As America’s School Infrastructure is Failing, Senator Markey and Congressman Bowman Introduce Legislation to Fund Resiliency Projects at Public Schools
Markey, Heinrich, Schumer, King Laud House Passage of Resolution to Reinstate EPA Methane Emissions Standards
Senators Markey and Cassidy Propose Bipartisan Bill to Update Children’s Online Privacy Rules
ICYMI: Senator Markey Leads Senate Climate Change Task Force in Discussions Revolving Civilian Climate Corps
Senator Markey: Republican Obstruction of Electoral Reform is Clear as Day Obstruction of Democracy
Chairman Menendez, Senator Markey Lead Senate Resolution in Observance of World Refugee Day
During Pride Month, Markey, Kaine and Baldwin Lead Resolution Apologizing For Government Discrimination Against LGBT Community
From White House, Senator Markey Celebrates Signing of His Juneteenth Federal Holiday Legislation
Markey, Booker, Underwood, Kelly, Adams Lead Over 160 Members of Congress Urging House and Senate Leadership to Prioritize Maternal Health in Next Recovery Package
Senators Markey, Rubio and Reps. Eshoo, Scalise Release Bipartisan Statement on FCC Vote to Advance Update to Equipment Authorization Rules
Senator Markey Statement on Supreme Court Ruling in California v. Texas Affordable Care Act Case
Senators Markey and Warren Reintroduce Legislation to Reauthorize the Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Commission
Senator Markey Reacts to Biden-Putin Summit in Geneva
Senator Markey Applauds Commerce Committee Passage of His Rail and Safety Provisions in Surface Transportation Bill