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April 2024
Markey, Wyden, Blumenthal, Klobuchar Urge FCC to Finalize Strong Net Neutrality Rule
Senator Markey Applauds Biden Admin. for Prioritizing Safety, Workers with Two-Crewmember Requirement for Freight Trains
Senator Markey Statement on Steward CEO Dr. de la Torre Declining to Testify at Boston Congressional Hearing Amidst Hospital Crisis
Senators Markey, Warren Statement on Supreme Court Denial to Consider Mashpee Wampanoag Land into Trust Litigation
Markey, Massachusetts Delegation Urge Biden Admin. to Distribute Shelter and Services Program Funding to Massachusetts to Support New Arrivals
March 2024
Senator Markey Statement on Passing of Congressman Bill Delahunt
Markey Joins Schatz Leads Resolution Celebrating International Transgender Day of Visibility
Sen. Markey, Rep. Frost Talk Power of Youth Organizing to Combat Gun Violence, Climate Crisis on Latest Episode of “The Ed Markey Podcast”
Markey, Durbin, Warren Urge Biden Administration to Phase Out Solitary Confinement
Markey Joins Merkley, Schakowsky Lead Colleagues to File Court Brief Supporting Landmark Youth Climate Lawsuit
Markey, Carper, Padilla, Heinrich Commend EPA’s Final Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Trucks and Buses
Ahead of Transgender Day of Visibility, Senator Markey Hosts LGBTQ+ Roundtable with Community Leaders
Sen. Markey, Rep. Raskin Applaud $15 Million for CAMRA Act in Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations Package
Markey Joins Warren, MA Delegation in Urging Biden Administration to Expedite Visa Process for Haitians Fleeing Extreme Unrest, Violence
Senator Markey Holds Listening Session on For-Profit Forces in Health Care, Reiterates Invitation to Steward CEO de la Torre to Testify at Congressional Hearing in Boston
Markey Joins Warren, Lawmakers in Urging President Biden and FEMA to Issue a Major Disaster Declaration After Catastrophic Flooding in Massachusetts
Markey joins Durbin, Senate Democrats to Urge President Biden to Take Executive Action to Provide Relief for Undocumented Immigrants
Sen. Markey, Rep. Mike Levin Leads Letter to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Establish New Office of Public Engagement and Participation
Senator Markey Statement on Optum Purchase of Steward Physician Group
Senators Markey, Warren Again Call on Steward CEO de la Torre to Testify at Congressional Hearing Next Week in Boston