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February 2021
Rep. Lynch and Sens. Markey and Warren Urge FERC Grant Rehearing Request for Weymouth Compressor Station
Senator Markey Statement on Passing of Massachusetts State Representative Doris Bunte
Massachusetts Delegation Urges Baker to Develop Centralized Vaccine Pre-Registration System
Senator Markey Votes to Convict Donald Trump at 2nd Impeachment Trial
Senators Markey, Van Hollen, Bennet, and Hassan and Congresswoman Meng Applaud Inclusion of More Than $7 Billion in E-Rate Distance Learning Funding in Latest House Coronavirus Proposal
We Need to Protect Moms and Babies from Climate Change Health Threats Says Senator Markey
Senators Markey, Van Hollen and Rep. Dingell Re-Introduce Legislation to Create a Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator
Senator Markey, Rep. Dingell Reintroduce THRIVE Resolution to Build Back Economy Following Coronavirus Pandemic
On 25th Anniversary of 1996 Telecommunications Act, Senator Markey and Congresswoman Eshoo to Reintroduce Legislation Requiring an Updated Roadmap for Universal Connectivity
Senators Markey, Tester, and Warren Release GAO Report Revealing Regular Infection Control Deficiencies in VA Nursing Homes
Senators Markey, Tillis, Peters, and Collins Reintroduce Legislation to Support U.S. Research Community Impacted by the Pandemic
Senators Markey, Risch, Menendez, and Rubio Outline Key Steps for Biden Administration to Help Preserve Burma’s Transition to Democracy
Senator Markey Statement on President Biden’s First Presidential Visit to the State Department: Building Back a Better Foreign Policy
Sen. Markey, Rep. Maloney Reintroduce Bill to Fund Gun Violence Prevention Research at the CDC
Senators Markey, Cantwell, Van Hollen, Bennet, Hassan, and Schatz Lead Colleagues in Urging New FCC to Use its Emergency Authority to Connect Students to Online Learning
Senator Markey and Rep. Huffman Re-Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
To Help Prevent Future Pandemics, Senator Markey Calls for $1 Billion Investment in Universal Coronavirus Vaccine
Congressional Democrats: President Biden Can and Should Use Executive Action to Cancel up to $50,000 in Federal Student Loan Debt Immediately
Senator Markey and Congressman Lowenthal Reintroduce Legislation Affirming U.S. Commitment to International LGBTQI Rights