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The harsh and draconian cuts that are known as sequestration are continuously harming the adequate funding levels needed for a variety of important educational programs.

Senator Markey has long been an outspoken critic of these across the board cuts, as they disproportionately and unfairly affect our children at a time when they need the most investment. The bipartisan budget deal that was signed into law in December 2013 will roll back some of the deeper automatic cuts that sequestration would have implemented.

While this does free up more discretionary budget spending for our educational programs, Senator Markey would like to see the sequestration cuts permanently repealed. Moving forward he will continue to fighting to end these senseless cuts, and will work to bring full and increased funding for our children’s future.

While serving in the House in 2013, Markey issued a reportSequester Side Effects:  Implications Of Across-The-Board Cuts On Massachusetts.