6.11.09   â€˘   Focus: Efficiency = Savings and Jobs: Clean Energy Legislation to Save $3,900 per Household

Efficiency measures in the Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454) will save households $3,900 according to a new report released by The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).

In addition to helping consumers save money and transition off dangerous foreign oil, the report indicates that energy efficiency measures will keep money in local communities, creating a multiplier effect that will generate economic activity and create 650,000 new jobs by 2030.

PEW Finds Clean Energy Generates Jobs

Clean energy jobs continue to light the path to economic recovery. A new comprehensive study by the Pew Charitable Trusts found that growth in clean energy jobs continue to rise at a rate of 9.1 percent, while traditional jobs grew by just 3.7 percent over the last decade.

This report covers all fifty states and the District of Columbia.

The clean energy and manufacturing sectors are poised to expand significantly with the passage of the Waxman-Markey legislation, which will unleash investment and technology to meet growing consumer demand for cost saving solutions.

Business Leaders Support Clean Energy Jobs Legislation

A group of business leaders, ranging from Nike and Starbucks to Duke Energy and Exelon, placed a full page ad in the Wall Street Journal calling for congressional action on emissions and clean energy legislation.

News Stories & Opinion Pieces

Indianapolis Star [Op-Ed by Rep. Baron Hill]: Focus our energy on common ground

I believe enacting energy legislation that addresses energy independence, green jobs and climate change is both pressing and productive. And I believe it can and should be done in a way that takes into account the current economy and geographic disparities.

... the goal of this bill is to find common ground -- to reduce dangerous greenhouse gas emissions, spur energy independence, create green jobs and ensure future generations can enjoy our environment, all while protecting Hoosier ratepayers. I believe these goals can all be achieved simultaneously.

Politico: Chamber of Commerce, NAM Rebuked For Opposition to Climate Change Bill

An alliance of 14 organizations that support climate change legislation has sent letters to companies that are members of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers, urging them to demand a refund of any dues being used by the two groups to oppose a cap-and-trade system to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

The Chamber of Commerce already is taking heat from several corporate members over its opposition to the global warming legislation.

Washington Times: Speculation leads to gas spike

A surprise spurt in consumer demand and a growing wave of investor speculation have sent the prices of crude oil and gasoline soaring, creating worries for the overall economy and legislative peril for energy companies in the nation's capital.

Some analysts see financial speculation as a major cause of the price spurt.

Traverse City Record-Eagle: Forum: Green jobs go from hype to reality

We found that Michigan currently has 109,067 private-sector green jobs, including 96,767 direct jobs and 12,300 support jobs. Already, green jobs make up 3 percent of private-sector employment...

From 2005 to 2008, a sample of 358 green-related firms added more than 2,500 jobs. They grew by 7.7 percent while Michigan's overall private-sector employment shrank 5.4 percent...

There's more good news: Green jobs tend to pay well. Thirteen of the top 15 green employment sectors boast average weekly wages above Michigan's overall private sector average, several of them far above.

Washington Post: Report says climate change is adding to migration

Estimates vary on how many people are on the move because of climate change, but the report cites predictions from the International Organization for Migration that 200 million people will be displaced by environmental pressures by 2050. Some estimates go as high as 700 million, said the report, released at U.N negotiations for a new climate treaty.

Asheville Citizen-Times: Retrofitting schools could mean more green jobs

"We can't move forward with leaking windows and buildings bleeding energy. We can't be short-sighted and put money into just keeping these old buildings warm when we need to put the money toward educating our kids," Asheville city Councilwoman Robin Cape said.

Grist: Waxman-Markey could save $3,900 per household and create 650,000 jobs by 2030

The bill's authors clearly understood that energy efficiency is THE core climate solution - the biggest and lowest cost carbon-free resource by far.

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