Boston (April 20, 2017) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Commerce Science and Transportation Committee, today blasted an Order approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that fails to promote competition and choice in the Business Data Services (BDS) and wholesale voice services markets. Earlier this week, Senator Markey and Congressman Mike Doyle (PA-14) urged the FCC to postpone the BDS vote.  

“With today’s vote on business data services, the FCC now stands for Forgetting Choice and Competition,” said Senator Markey. “Despite data collected by the FCC indicating that approximately 73 percent of BDS locations may only being served by one provider, and the Small Business Administration raising serious concerns about its impact on small businesses, the Commission has forged ahead to the detriment of consumers.”

BDS are the high-capacity broadband connections that form the backbone of our communications network, carrying the massive data flows from wireless providers, small businesses, schools, universities, libraries, and government agencies.  Information gathered by the FCC indicates that approximately 73 percent of BDS locations may only be served by one BDS provider, while 97 percent may only be served by one or two providers.