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Rising energy prices and the recovering economy means that more than 200,000 Bay State low-income households, veterans, and seniors rely on the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to make ends meet. Senator Markey has been a staunch advocate for increased funding for this program throughout his career and is author of the law that established the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve.

Senator Markey also continues to be a leader in the preservation of community action and anti-poverty programs funded through the Community Service Block Grants budget.

Covering 1,065 agencies in 99 percent of U.S. counties, community action programs last year provided critical supports to 20.7 million Americans facing an array of challenges ranging from extreme poverty and disability to the lack of employment. Nationally, the Community Service Block Grants (CSBG) budget is $680 million, with Massachusetts receiving $17 million that is designated to 24 community action programs.