Senator Markey Queries Federal Agencies About Foreign Cyberattacks on U.S. Nuclear Power Plants
Markey Blasts Trump Admin. Effort to Begin Yucca Mountain Relicensing
Senators Markey, Sanders and Gillibrand Call for Increased Safety of Spent Fuel Storage at Nuclear Plants
Senator Markey Blasts NRC for Granting Exemptions to Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station from Critical Safety Upgrades
Senators Markey and Gardner Urge Trump Administration to Fully Enforce North Korea Sanctions
Senators Call on Energy Secretary to Protect Whistleblowers, Hold Contractors Accountable after Department Confirms Nuclear Whistleblower’s Retaliation Claims
Senator Markey Denounces President Trump’s Dangerous Ignorance of Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia
Senator Markey and Rep. Lieu Introduce the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act
Massachusetts Elected Officials Call for Public Meeting on Safety at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant
Senator Markey Statement on Passing of Senator John Glenn
Congressman Lieu & Senator Markey Introduce The Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act
Markey, Wyden, McCaskill to Introduce Bill to Expand Whistleblower Protections at the Energy Department
Massachusetts Delegation Calls on NRC to Reject Request to Exempt Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station from Safety Upgrades
Senator Markey Praises President Obama’s Effort to Strengthen the Global Nuclear Testing Moratorium
Markey, Wyden, McCaskill: New Report Finds Whistleblowers at Risk at Energy Department Sites
Markey Queries NRC on Overcrowded Nuclear Spent Fuel Pools at Reactor Sites
Senator Markey Praises Nuclear Supplier Group for Refraining from Allowing Indian Participation
Markey to Obama: Strong U.S. and International Response Needed to Thwart North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Ambitions
In Wake of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Closure Announcement, Massachusetts Delegation Calls for Commitment to Safety, Financial Oversight, Worker Assistance
Senator Markey Statement on Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station
Senator Markey Statement on NRC Decision to End Cancer Risk Pilot Study
Markey: Filtered Vent Vote Adds to Litany of NRC Post-Fukushima Safety Failures
Barrasso, Markey Introduce Excess Uranium Transparency and Accountability Act
Sen. Markey & Rep. Blumenauer Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Cut $100 Billion from Wasteful Nuclear Weapons Budget
Senators Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Allow Cameras in Federal Courtrooms
Markey Reacts to New NAS Report on Fukushima Meltdowns
Markey, Burgess Release Report Showing Legal Concerns over Energy Dept.’s Deals with Uranium Enriching Company
Markey Blasts NRC Vote on Dangerous Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage
Markey and Warren: Seismic Risk at Pilgrim and Seabrook Greater Than Nuclear Reactors Are Licensed to Withstand
Markey Statement on Three-Year Anniversary of Fukushima Meltdowns
Markey: New NRC Policy Restricts Congressional Oversight, Undermines Transparency
Markey and Sanders Warn: Nuclear Dont Ask Dont Tell Policy Endangering Public Safety
Markey Commends Start of Cancer Risk Study of Americans Living Near Nuclear Power Plants
Markey: Nuclear Power Plants Vulnerable to Terrorist Attack
Markey Hails San Onofre Closure As Win for Safety, Oversight
Senator Boxer and Rep. Markey Call on NRC to Complete Investigation before Restart Decisions are Made for San Onofre Nuclear Plant
SEC Evaluating Markey Concerns about San Onofre Operator Violating Federal Securities Laws
Markey, Public Health, Nuclear Safety Experts Urge White House to Implement Nuclear “Emergency Pill” Law
Markey: NRC’s Delay of Fukushima Safety Measure is Irresponsible
Markey Asks for Truly Public Meetings Reviewing Pilgrim, Seabrook Nuclear Plants
Rep. Markey and Senator Boxer’s Statement on NRC’s Release of Mitsubishi Reports on Safety Issues at San Onofre Nuclear Plant
5 Top Dems to NRC: Fukushima-style Reactors in U.S. Need Upgrades to Prevent Hydrogen Explosions and Radiation Exposure
Markey: Did San Onofre Operator Violate Federal Securities Law?
Senator Boxer and Rep. Markey on NRC’s Response to Letter on San Onofre Safety Investigation
Rep. Markey and Chairman Boxer Call on NRC to Investigate New Safety Concerns at Southern California Nuclear Plant
Markey: Maintain Construction Ban at Hanford Nuclear Site to Avoid Hydrogen Explosions, Dangerous Nuclear Accidents
Reps. Tierney, Markey Introduce Legislation to Ensure Safety of Nuclear Plants for Local Families
Markey Questions Palisades Nuclear Plant In Light of New Leak, On-going Safety Issues
Markey Calls On Obama to Issue Executive Order on Cybersecurity
Markey, Keating Dissatisfied With NRC ‘Assurances’ Regarding Emergency Response Capability at Pilgrim Nuclear Plant During Recent Labor Dispute
Markey: Conservative Organizations Should Re-Examine Republican “No More Solyndras” Act
Markey Statement on Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission Report
Markey to NRC: There Is A Crisis in the Control Room at Palisades Nuclear Power Plant
Markey Focuses on Fukushima Fish Fallout
Markey Blasts NRC Vote to Circumvent Rules, Shut Out Public on Pilgrim Relicense
Markey, Keating: Don’t Move Forward on Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Relicensing Until Resolution of Outstanding Issues
Markey, Tierney Call for Local Public Meeting on Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant To Discuss Safety, Aging-Related Issues
Markey to NRC and Licensees: Commitment is the Foundation for All Successful Long-Term Relationships
Markey Statement on One-Year Fukushima Anniversary and NRC Votes on First Safety Upgrades
Markey to NRC: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Re-Licensing Must Comply with Endangered Species Act
Markey to NRC: Vogtle Reactor Vote is an Abdication of Duty
Markey Commends NRC Action on Fire Protection at Nuclear Power Plants
Markey Blasts Vote to Override NRC's Jaczko, Allow Acceleration of AP1000 Nuke Reactor
Dec. 19, 2011: GOP Committee Chairmen Investigating My Investigation Instead of Nuclear Safety
Dec. 15, 2011: Markey to NRC: Today’s Vote Is Another Effort To Stall Nuclear Safety Upgrades
Dec. 14: 2011: To NRC Commissioners: End Soap Opera, Get Back to the Job of Adopting Safety Measures
Dec. 14, 2011: Markey Releases Transcript of NRC Chairman Jaczko
Dec. 9, 2011: New Report Details Conspiracy to Delay, Weaken US Nuclear Safety in Wake of Fukushima
Dec. 1, 2011: Markey to NRC: Pump Problems Plague Palisades Power Plant
Nov. 30, 2011: Markey, Tierney to NRC: Seabrook Seepage Should Spur Safety Steps
Nov. 15, 2011: Markey Calls on NRC
Oct. 20, 2011: To NRC: Stop Delaying Implementation of Fukushima Task Force Nuclear Safety Recs
Oct. 14, 2011: Markey: Davis Besse Nuclear Plant Crack Another Chink In Armor of Nuclear Safety
Oct. 5, 2011: Markey Urges Adoption of NRC Staff Recommendations on Post-Fukushima Safety Updates
September 12, 2011: Markey Statement on NRC Adoption of Six Post-Fukushima Nuclear Safety Recs
Sept. 8, 2011: Congress to NRC: Adopt Fukushima Task Force Recommendations Immediately
September 8, 2011: Markey Statement on NRC Meeting with Dominion on North Anna Nuclear Power Plant
August 26, 2011: Query to NRC: Did Virginia Earthquake Exceed North Anna Nuclear Reactor Design
August 24, 2011: To NRC: VA Earthquake Highlights Need to Update U.S. Nuclear Safety Standards
Aug 19, 2011: Markey Statement on NRC Vote To Act On Fukushima Task Force Recommendations
Aug 3, 2011: Don’t Allow New Nuclear Reactor Construction Before Safety Questions Resolved
June 8, 2011: Markey, Tierney: Do Not Relicense Seabrook Nuclear Plant 20 Yrs Before License Expire
May 6, 2011: To OMB: Will U.S. Taxpayers Have to Bailout Electric Utilities for Bad Nuclear Loans?
April 6, 2011: Statement at Hearing on Nuclear Power Plant Incident in Japan
March 8, 2011: To NRC: To NRC: Don’t Approve New Nuclear Reactor Design Before Safety Questions Resolved
Dec 9, 2010: Markey Calls for Revisions in Radioactive Rules for Humans, Pets