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Key Talking Points

The American Clean Energy and Security Act will revitalize our economy by creating millions of new jobs, increase our national security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and preserve our planet by reducing the pollution that causes global warming.

Doing nothing is not an option. During the Bush-Cheney years, our dependence on foreign oil increased, average American household energy costs went up $1,100, American job growth was the slowest of any administration in 75 years, and carbon pollution was ignored for far too long.

Creating and Saving Jobs

  • Unleashing private sector investment in clean energy to create millions of new jobs that can't be shipped overseas and making America the global innovation leader. Clean energy technology - made in America.
  • Protecting jobs now, and helping energy-intensive industries like the steel, iron, and paper industries transition to a cleaner, more profitable future.
  • Making farmers and ranchers a part of the solution, with carbon-offsetting crops and forests, and biofuel and wind farms to repower America.


  • Cutting our use of foreign oil by more than 5 million barrels a day in 2030 - as much as we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela - when combined with vehicle efficiency and biofuel standards enacted in 2007 and updated by President Obama.
  • Promoting all forms of American clean energy, including: wind, solar, geothermal, biomass; support for private investments in nuclear power; new clean energy and energy efficiency technologies; advanced coal technology with carbon capture and sequestration; and efficient vehicles.


  • Reducing pollution that causes climate change by limiting emissions from electric utilities, oil refineries, and other major sources, and rewarding companies as they use cleaner technology. These limits are ambitious, achievable, and will be fairly enforced.
  • Using what works, with the same market-based, American solution we put in place to successfully fight Acid Rain in the bipartisan Clean Air Act in 1990 - after which electricity rates fell 10 percent and the U.S. economy added 16 million new jobs.


  • Transitioning off foreign oil and creating millions of jobs will have minimal impact on average households - just 22 to 30 cents a day - less than a postage stamp - or $80 to $111 per year [EPA]. The bill helps all consumers with price spike protection, and with additional monthly energy refunds so those in need will see no cost.
  • Investing in energy efficiency technology will save the average American household more than $4,000 by 2030 [ACEEE].
  • Ensuring fiscal responsibility. CBO says the bill meets PAYGO requirements and will not increase the deficit.

The bill takes a balanced approach that has received broad support from members of Congress from all regions of the country. The legislation is backed by a coalition that includes electric utilities, consumer groups, car companies, manufacturers, environmental organizations, labor organizations, among many others.