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Bi-Partisan Support

"With our nation facing significant economic challenges, it is essential that we craft climate change legislation and an economy-wide cap and trade program in the right way, without placing an unbearable burden on hardworking Americans... It is my hope that we can work together to craft a sustainable bill that will develop clean, renewable energy and reduce our dependence on foreign oil." - Rep. Mary Bono Mack (R-CA), 5/14/09, who voted for the ACES Act in committee

"Climate change, in my view, is real... I am confident [that with] American technology and the embrace of green technologies... we can reduce these greenhouse gas emissions. And suppose that we are wrong, and there's no such thing as climate change, and we hand our kids a cleaner world. But suppose we are right and do nothing." - Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), 1/24/08

"If we successfully implement a cap-and-trade system that will reduce long-term risk and provide market certainty, the economy undoubtedly will respond with ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and job expansion, while simultaneously addressing climate change, one of the greatest challenges of this century." - Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME), 5/7/09

"The Congress must pass legislation establishing a cap and trade mechanism. A cap and trade system would provide regulatory certainty, reward innovation to improve energy efficiency, and provide strong market incentives for clean renewable fuels." - Sen. Dick Lugar (R-IN), 3/13/06

"If we want to get serious about alternative energy we have got to rely more on clean, renewable energy sources like wind, solar and geothermal." - Rep. Leonard Lance (R- NJ), 4/22/09

"We must aggressively pursue cleaner energies which are sustainable and produce no greenhouse gas emissions." - Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ), 4/6/09

"For my congressional colleagues, I would say the president's going to go down this road and the public's ready to be led down this road... I don't see an alternative to cap-and-trade." - Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), 6/1/08

"Last year, Senator Stevens and I co-sponsored legislation to formally establish a 'cap and trade' carbon emission program designed to significantly reduce carbon emissions in this country - and a bill that should encourage foreign nations to follow suit." - Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), 2/10/08

Republican Governors who Support Clean Energy Initiatives

"Californians understand better than anyone that we need more jobs and a stronger economy. We need to stop climate change - and our best chance of achieving all three goals is to have Congress put a cap on carbon pollution. That's why I'm proud that California has become a leader once again - by championing the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009." - Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA), 6/14/09

In November 2007, ten Midwestern governors, including Republican Governors Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and Michael Rounds of South Dakota, signed the Midwestern Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord, which endorsed a cap-and-trade model.

"Today's agreement is an important milestone toward achieving a cleaner, more secure energy future... The Midwest is well-positioned to help lead the energy revolution that our nation needs to stay competitive and strong. Working together, states can build a de facto national energy policy that will create good jobs and build a cleaner and safer world." - Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN), 11/14/07

On May 21, 2009, the Republican governors of California, Connecticut, Florida, Rhode Island, Utah, and Vermont were part of a group of 31 states and territories to form the Governors' Energy and Climate Coalition. The Coalition's statement of principles endorses a "cap on greenhouse gases to reduce emissions to levels guided by science to avoid dangerous global warming."

"Investing in green technologies and energy efficiency strengthens our economy, increases our energy independence and reduces greenhouse gas emissions." - Governor Charlie Crist (R-FL), 1/15/09

Events such as the terrible tornadoes and flooding that have ravaged America's Midwest, and the recent cyclone that devastated Myanmar, remind us of the threats we face from global climate change. The natural beauty that surrounds us and the extreme weather patterns that spawn death and destruction urge us to take action to prevent further devastation from global climate change." - Governor Charlie Crist (R-FL), 7/15/08

Republican governors have also endorsed The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, the nation's first mandatory, market-based effort in the United States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

"By taking the lead in this landmark initiative, Connecticut continues its work to ensure a healthier environment for our future generations and make clear our commitment to cleaner and greener energy sources. " - Governor M. Jodi Rell (R-CT), 3/22/09

"Rhode Island is exceptionally committed and pleased to be working with the other states to bring the final steps in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative into fruition. My administration has taken many bold actions in the development of offshore wind and distributed generation facilities, which, when coupled with this program, will put Rhode Island in the forefront of governments working on both energy independence and long-term security for our residents and businesses." - Governor Donald L. Carcieri (R-RI), 9/25/08