
Key Quotes from Member Op-Eds

Indianapolis Star (6/10/09), "Focus our energy on common ground" by Rep. Baron Hill

I believe enacting energy legislation that addresses energy independence, green jobs and climate change is both pressing and productive. And I believe it can and should be done in a way that takes into account the current economy and geographic disparities.

The Hill (6/15/09), "ACES Act lays solid foundation for nation's clean-energy future" by Rep. Bobby L. Rush

The inclusion of the Low-Income Community Energy Efficiency Program (LICEEP), which was an amendment I offered that was adopted unanimously in the committee, will provide grants to mission-driven community development organizations as a means to increase the flow of capital and technical assistance to low-income communities, as well as minority- and women-owned businesses.

The Tennessean (4/9/09), "Energy reform key to the economy" by Rep. Jim Cooper

[Cap-and-trade] uses market forces to reward efficient businesses instead of centralized bureaucratic control. We used this approach to reduce acid rain in the 1990s, and it has been remarkably successful.

The Hill (6/15/09), "Poorest Americans, contributing least to climate change, will not be hurt by legislation to rectify" by Rep. G.K. Butterfield

Most importantly, the poorest Americans, who contributed least to this problem and are least able to endure any increases in costs, are held harmless. The 15 percent of allowance value devoted to these struggling households guarantees the recoupment of any lost purchasing power, and does not phase out over the 40-year life of the program... Our goal in the consideration of this legislation was to lower greenhouse gases, bring sustainable new jobs to America, and aid the consumer, and particularly low- and moderate-income consumers who have contributed the least to the problem.

The Boston Globe (6/6/09), "The race for clean-energy innovation" by Rep. Edward J. Markey

It [ACES] also reduces carbon emissions from major US sources 83 percent by 2050 compared with 2005 levels, and saves consumers money at the pump by investing $20 billion to retool America's auto manufacturers to produce electric cars that don't use any gasoline.

The Waxman-Markey bill would invest more than $190 billion in clean-energy technologies that will go to the companies, research institutions, and entrepreneurs smart enough, agile enough, and innovative enough to devise the next great clean-energy technology.

Roll Call (6/22/09), "Boucher: Bill is Essential for Curbing Gasses" by Rep. Rick Boucher

Under our agreement, separate legislation I have introduced to accelerate the flow of federal funding for the latest generation of carbon capture and storage technologies will be enacted into law. Under that measure, $1 billion annually will be devoted to the development of these technologies for a 10-year period, and estimates are that with this funding they will be available and reliable in 2020.

Farm Bureau News (7/27/09), "Amendments to Climate Bill" by Rep. Collin Peterson

With or without Congressional action, EPA will be free to regulate greenhouse gases, resulting in one of the largest and most bureaucratic night-mares that the U.S. economy and Americans have ever seen. And, with EPA in the lead, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, arguably the voice of agriculture and rural America, would be left out of the process. Let me be clear, this is not a responsibility we want to leave in the hands of EPA.

That's why I decided to get involved and work with my colleagues in Congress to be sure that agriculture and rural America had a seat at the table when this climate change legislation was written. As a result, we were able to amend several import-ant provisions that made the bill a better deal for agriculture and rural America.

The Politico (7/13/09), "The new Apollo program" by Rep. Jay Inslee

Construction workers will install energy-efficient windows and insulation in homes and businesses nationwide. Our oil reserves pale in comparison with those of Saudi Arabia, but we are rich in wind, solar and geothermal energy; sequestered coal; and the ultimate energy source: efficiency. The Inslee-Doyle provision will protect important domestic manufacturers of pulp and paper, fertilizer, cement, aluminum and steel.

Times-News, NC (7/12/09), "Shuler defends vote on climate change" by Rep. Heath Shuler

It's time for us as a nation to stand on our own feet and regain our position as a world leader in energy innovation. I have faith in North Carolina's ability to thrive as a result of this legislation. Our region has seen a dramatic increase in green energy businesses and job opportunities. Since 1998, clean energy jobs in our state have grown by more than 15 percent, while other jobs have increased only 6 percent.

Lexington Herald-Leader (6/30/09), "New energy bill aims to save environment and push economy" by Rep. Ben Chandler

I had concerns with how early versions of the bill could affect Central Kentucky, but I pushed for additional changes that have been included in the legislation's final form. Specifically, I fought for and secured an additional 30 million allowances for the rural electric cooperatives in Kentucky and across the country, helping protect our companies and helping these energy producers keep rates low for our rural communities. This is not just about our environment, but it is about the future �" the future of our economy, the future of our jobs and the future of our children. In addition to caring for our families, we also have a duty to protect God's creation.

Altavista Journal, VA (7/1/09), "Tom Perriello's Report" by Rep. Tom Perriello

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed historic legislation to create millions of new jobs in the clean-energy economy and increase our national security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil. I supported the American Clean Energy and Security Act because I believe it is a necessary step in declaring our energy independence and creating the energy jobs and technology of the future right here at home. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office ... the bill is estimated to cost the average 5th District family only $12 per month - or 40 cents per day - a cost that could be offset by any household that reduces its energy.

Mercury News (6/9/09), "Congress needs to hear from constituents on climate change" by Rep. Michael Honda

A recently published study by Yale and George Mason universities, entitled "Global Warming's Six Americas," found that a growing majority of Americans - 67 percent - want the United States to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, regardless of other countries' reticence toward reduction... Furthermore, a majority of Americans are keen to create a culture of climate-friendly consumer practices, rewarding or punishing corporations based on their steps to reduce global warming.