Markey Travels “Virtually" to Bali Through Second Life Avatar
Confronted with a need to be both in Washington DC to push a clean energy bill through Congress and halfway around the world in Bali, Indonesia to address the United Nations climate summit, Chairman Edward Markey turned to the virtual reality community called Second Life. Creating a 3-D version of himself (also known as an avatar) he was able to travel online to OneClimate Islands Virtual Bali conference center where he delivered the first international speech by a Member of Congress in a virtual world.
The address was attended by avatars from Massachusetts, Bali, Switzerland, Brazil and all over the world. After the speech, Chairman Markey took questions from the audience.
For text of the speech, please CLICK HERE.
To see our press release on the event, please CLICK HERE.
To watch the speech on YouTube, CLICK BELOW.
PHOTOS from the Event:
(right click to enlarge/download)
For the Select Committee Quick Guide to the Bali Action Plan, please CLICK HERE.
About OneClimate: is's social networking platform dedicated to facilitating discussions and surfacing ideas about climate change. It has been called the "Climate Facebook." The OneClimate archipelago in Second Life is an extension of that platform where regular people can learn about climate change and meet others interested and involved in the issue. According to Climate Care, a UK-based company that tracks travel-related carbon dioxide, a single individual flying from Washington, DC to Bali, Indonesia, would be responsible for the emission of 5.36 tons of carbon dioxide as a result of the 20,381-mile round-trip flight.
To visit OneClimate Island please CLICK HERE.
About Second Life:
Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely created by its users, called Residents. Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by over 11 million Residents, who create their own avatars, homes, and participate in an economic system that supports millions of transactions every month.
The Select Committee was active during the 110th and 111th Congresses. This is an archived version of the website, to ensure that the public has ongoing access to the Select Committee record. This website, including external links, will not be updated after Jan. 3rd, 2010.
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