Briefing: The Greenland Ice Sheet: Global Warming's Impacts on the Arctic Region
Select Committee to Examine Dramatic Sea Ice Event with Scientists and Experts
August 9, 2010 – Last week an ice sheet covering 100 square miles broke off Greenland. This dramatic sea ice event follows the warmest six months on record and is the largest piece of Arctic ice to break free since 1962.
On Tuesday August 10, 2010, the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming held a briefing with scientists and experts who study the Arctic region to discuss this event and its relationship to climate change. The briefing, “The Greenland Ice Sheet: Global Warming’s Impacts on the Arctic Region,” was held on Tuesday, August 10th, at 9:30 A.M. in room 2123 Rayburn House Office Building.
WHAT: Select Committee Briefing, “The Greenland Ice Sheet: Global Warming’s Impacts on the Arctic Region”
WHEN: Tuesday, August 10th, at 9:30 A.M.
WHERE: Room 2123 Rayburn House Office Building, Capitol Complex.
OPENING STATEMENT: Chairman Edward J. Markey
Dr. Richard B. Alley, Professor of Geosciences, and Earth and Environmental Systems, The Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Robert Bindschadler, Senior Research Scientist at University of Maryland Baltimore County, who has 30 years of service with NASA
Dr. Andreas Muenchow, Professor of Physical Ocean Science and Engineering, University of Delaware
Full video archive of hearing.
CLICK HERE to download and watch the FULL VIDEO of this hearing. Please note, download may take some time as the file is large.
Have we passed a "tipping point" in the Arctic?
Dr. Bindschadler & Dr. Ally on warming and ice melt
Markey Q and A with Muenchow over water temp
Rep. Inslee on the science-policy challenge
The witnesses speak with Chairman Markey
Dr. Robert Bindschadler testifies
Dr. Andreas Muenchow testifies
Dr. Richard B. Alley testified by phone
The witnesses testify
Members of the Committee question the witnesses
Chairman Markey with the witnesses
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