The Global Clean Energy Race
September 20, 2010 – With international tensions over clean energy trade and competition increasing, there has never been a more pivotal time to assess America’s place in the global clean energy race.
Chairman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming held a hearing to examine the form and scale of investments in the clean energy sector, where these investments are occurring around the world, what is driving them, the broader economic and employment implications of these investments, and the challenges to growing an American clean energy sector.
WHAT: Select Committee hearing: “The Global Clean Energy Race”
WHEN: Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010, at 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: U.S. Capitol Complex, Washington DC
OPENING STATEMENT: Chairman Edward J. Markey
Mark Fulton, Global Head of Climate Change Investment Research, Deutsche Bank
Michael Liebreich, Chief Executive, Bloomberg New Energy Finance
Also available: PDF of images associated with Mr. Liebreich's testimony
Ravi Viswanathan, General Partner, New Energy Associates
Tom Carbone, Chief Executive Officer, Nordic Windpower
Click here for full hearing transcript.
Mark Fulton, Chairman Markey, Tom Carbone, Michael Liebreich, and Dr. Ravi Viswanathan after the hearing
The witness panel at the hearing
Chairman Markey speaks at the hearing
Michael Liebreich testifies before the Select Committee
Tom Carbone speaks to the Select Committee at the hearing
Mark Fulton testifies before the Select Committee
Dr. Ravi Viswanathan testifies before the Select Committee
Michael Liebreich presents to the witness panel and members of the Select Committee
Michael Liebreich speaks to the Select Committee
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