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Rep. Edward J. Markey, Chairman - Stay Connected with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and RSS Feeds
The Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming addressed our nation's energy, economic and national security challenges during the 110th and 111th Congresses.

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Letter to Secretary Stephen Chu on Energy Star audit

To read the signed PDF of this letter, please CLICK HERE

The Honorable Steven Chu
United States Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20585

October 23, 2009

Dear Secretary Chu:

For almost two decades, the Energy Star Program has supported the development of energy efficient appliances while reducing consumers’ energy needs. While I was disappointed to read recent reports indicating that Energy Star may not be accurately representing the energy efficient appliance market, I commend the Department’s efforts to improve the oversight and management of the program.  After reviewing the audit, I would like you to respond to the following questions: 

  1. The audit states that marketplace monitoring of Energy Star products has decreased since 2001. To what extent does the Department of Energy rely on marketplace monitoring today? What level of third-party monitoring would be preferable to the current level?
  2. How will DOE work with EPA to resolve label violations in the future?
  3. What timeline will be or has been established to resolve the issues and fulfill the recommendations discussed in the audit?
  4. What can Congress to strengthen the testing, certification and enforcement of the Energy Star Program?

I hope that the audit completed by the Department of Energy Office of the Inspector General will serve to re-energize the Department of Energy’s efforts to ensure that we have a reliable and stronger Energy Star program in the future. 

You may respond to these questions in writing or though a briefing with my staff. Please contact Select Committee Counsel Danielle Baussan with any questions you may have. I look forward to your response.


Edward J. Markey
Member of Congress

To read the signed PDF of this letter, please CLICK HERE

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