Members Support Principles for Global Warming Legislation
Rep. Markey: (202) 225-4081
Rep. Waxman: (202) 225-5051
Rep. Inslee: (202) 226-7040
WASHINGTON, DC — Today 152 Members of Congress, led by Rep. Waxman, Rep. Markey, and Rep. Inslee, sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi detailing a set of principles to guide Congress as it produces legislation to establish an economy-wide mandatory program to address the threat of global warming.
The principles outlined in the letter lay out a comprehensive approach to tackling the climate crisis. The principles recognize that we must transition to a clean energy economy to avoid dangerous global warming, create green jobs, and boost America’s long-term economic prosperity. The principles emphasize that we must act based on the science and strengthen our response as necessary.
To read the letter CLICK HERE.
For a PDF of the letter CLICK HERE.
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