Markey: New report of more than 6 degrees warming not the worst-case scenario
WASHINGTON – Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), co-author of the Waxman-Markey climate and energy bill, released the following statement concerning a new report released today from the United Nations Environment Program that indicates more than 6 degrees Fahrenheit of warming is predicted, even if the pollution targets in Waxman-Markey and by other international efforts are met:
“As sobering as this report is, it is not the worst-case scenario. That would be if the world does nothing and allows heat-trapping pollution to continue to spew unchecked into the atmosphere.
“Waxman-Markey cuts U.S. global warming emissions 83 percent by 2050, and encourages key international efforts like avoiding deforestation. This alarming report shows the urgency of getting started now, because history shows that we can cut pollution further, faster and cheaper once we get started.”
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