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Rep. Edward J. Markey, Chairman - Stay Connected with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and RSS Feeds
The Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming addressed our nation's energy, economic and national security challenges during the 110th and 111th Congresses.

This is an archived version of the committee's website, where the public, students and the media can continue to access and learn from our work.

Headlines from the Hottest 1/2 Year on Record

photos of disasters from around the globe

Headlines from the Hottest 1/2 Year on Record

Images from around the world


 A PDF version of this document is available here.


"Floods, fires, melting ice and feverish heat: From smoke-choked Moscow to water-soaked Pakistan and the High Arctic, the planet seems to be having a midsummer breakdown. It's not just a portent of things to come, scientists say, but a sign of troubling climate change already under way."

"The weather-related cataclysms of July and August fit patterns predicted by climate scientists, the Geneva-based World Meteorological Organization says - although those scientists always shy from tying individual disasters directly to global warming."

--Associated Press, August 12 2010

"Political leaders in this country and the rest of the world ought to reflect on the scale of human suffering this summer in Pakistan, Russia, and China. If they could envision these catastrophes not as aberrations but as the coming state of things, maybe they would act now, in concert, to stop turning the earth into an inferno for their descendants."

--Boston Globe Editorial, August 12 2010


Images from the USA


  • Nashville: Storm death toll at 31 as floodwaters recede (CNN)
  • Nashville flood damage may top $1 billion (The Tennessean)
  • Los Angeles bakes at record 113 degrees (MSNBC)
  • 18 States endure deadly stretch of steamy weather (NPR)
  • Death toll hits 19 in Arkansas floods (MSNBC)
  • Oklahoma flooding leaves 136 injured (CNN)
  • Thousands evacuated, New England hit by worst flooding in 200 years (Daily Mail)

Images from China


  • 1100 missing, 337 killed during floods and landslide in China due to heavy rain (Examiner)
  • Death toll climbs to 337 in China mudslides (CNN)
  • 94,000 flee floods on China-N. Korea border (MSNBC)



  • UN says Pakistan floods worse than 2004 tsunami (AFP)
  • Rescue teams struggle to reach 600,000 Pakistan flood victims (the Independent)
  • Pakistan floods displace millions (Christian Science Monitor)
  • Pakistan floods a megadisaster of epic proportions (MSNBC)

Images from India


  • Hundreds die in Indian heatwave: Death toll expected to rise as India faces record temperatures of up to 122F in hottest summer on record (the Guardian)
  • 500 missing, 145 dead in India flooding (CNN)

Images from Russia


  • Moscow deaths double amid smog to 700 people a day (Washington Post)
  • Nuclear concerns as Russian wildfires spread near Chernobyl (The Atlantic)
  • Heat and smog double death rate in Russia (CNN)
  • Russia, crippled by drought, bans grain exports (NY Times)

Images from Greenland


  • Giant ice island breaks off Greenland (Associated Press)
  • Ice Chunk Larger Than Manhattan Breaks Off Greenland Glacier (Live Science)
  • Giant iceberg may pose threat to shipping (Bloomberg)



  • Australia floods larger than France strand 200,000 (Washington Post)
  • Floods force mass evacuations in Queensland, Australia (BBC)

PLEASE NOTE: The House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming was created to explore American clean energy solutions that end our reliance on foreign oil and reduce carbon pollution.

The Select Committee was active during the 110th and 111th Congresses. This is an archived version of the website, to ensure that the public has ongoing access to the Select Committee record. This website, including external links, will not be updated after Jan. 3rd, 2010.

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