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Rep. Edward J. Markey, Chairman - Stay Connected with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and RSS Feeds
The Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming addressed our nation's energy, economic and national security challenges during the 110th and 111th Congresses.

This is an archived version of the committee's website, where the public, students and the media can continue to access and learn from our work.

Markey: EPA Plan to “Study, Study and Study Some More" Signals Bush Admin. Intent to Run Out the Clock on Global Warming


Contact: Jeff Sharp (202) 225-4079 (Select Committee) or Jessica Schafer (202) 225-2836 (Rep. Markey)

Markey: EPA Plan to “Study, Study and Study Some More” Signals Bush Admin. Intent to Run Out the Clock on Global Warming

WASHINGTON (March 27, 2008) – Chairman Edward J. Markey of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming issued the following statement in response to a letter from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Stephen Johnson announcing that in the coming months, EPA plans to issue an ‘Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking’ (ANPRM) to study whether to regulate greenhouse gas emissions:

“The ‘A’ in this document should stand for ‘absurd,’” said Rep. Markey. “This is the latest quack from a lame-duck EPA intent on running out the clock on the entire Bush Presidency without doing a thing to combat global warming. The planet is sick, and instead of rushing to provide emergency medical attention, the Bush Administration has said ‘take 2 aspirin and call me after I leave office’.”

The letter from the EPA comes almost one year to the day after the landmark Supreme Court decision in Massachusetts v EPA which affirmed the EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act, and after the EPA broke its May 2007 commitment to issue final regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles by the end of 2008.

Markey added: “This cynical step by EPA to announce an ‘Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking’ in the coming months should be seen for what it is: an “Aspirational Notice of Procrastinational Rulemaking’.”

To download a copy of the EPA letter from Administrator Stephen Johnson, please CLICK HERE.

PLEASE NOTE: The House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming was created to explore American clean energy solutions that end our reliance on foreign oil and reduce carbon pollution.

The Select Committee was active during the 110th and 111th Congresses. This is an archived version of the website, to ensure that the public has ongoing access to the Select Committee record. This website, including external links, will not be updated after Jan. 3rd, 2010.

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