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Rep. Edward J. Markey, Chairman - Stay Connected with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and RSS Feeds
The Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming addressed our nation's energy, economic and national security challenges during the 110th and 111th Congresses.

This is an archived version of the committee's website, where the public, students and the media can continue to access and learn from our work.

FTC Answers Markey, Pelosi, Others on Oil Price Manipulation


Contact: Select Committee, 202-225-4081

FTC Answers Markey, Pelosi, Others on Oil Price Manipulation

Agency Will Exercise Authority Given in Democratic Energy Bill

WASHINGTON (May 2, 2008) – In response to a request from Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders, the Federal Trade Commission said today that it would immediately implement new authority given to the agency by the recent energy bill to ensure that the U.S. oil and gas market is free from manipulation.

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), which became law last December, “makes clear the federal government’s responsibility” to fight manipulation in the petroleum market, and “levy penalties against those who might seek to profit from such illegal activities” the legislators wrote last week. Rep. Markey and others noted that strong oversight is needed immediately due to the historic oil price increases over the past few months.

“Consumers already feel pinched at the pump, and this should help ensure they aren’t cheated as well,” said Rep. Markey, who is Chairman of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. “After this process is formalized, anybody found to be manipulating the oil market should be punished to the full extent of the law.”

In the response letter to Chairman Markey and others, the FTC said they had established a task force, and would issue an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking today, with the intention of completing the rulemaking process this year.

Chairman Markey and the Select Committee held a hearing on April 1, 2008 with executives from the top five oil companies. At that hearing, the Exxon representative said that feverish oil speculation accounts for a significant portion of recent price increases.

The letter from Chairman Markey and others to the FTC can be found HERE.

The response letter from the FTC can be found HERE.

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PLEASE NOTE: The House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming was created to explore American clean energy solutions that end our reliance on foreign oil and reduce carbon pollution.

The Select Committee was active during the 110th and 111th Congresses. This is an archived version of the website, to ensure that the public has ongoing access to the Select Committee record. This website, including external links, will not be updated after Jan. 3rd, 2010.

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