Feds: Climate change to cause 'irreversible' health risks
USA Today, July 18, 2008
Dan Vergano, of USA Today, writes about on the release of an EPA report on the public health impacts of global warming.
- An Environmental Protection Agency report released Thursday warns that global warming will increase disease and other health problems nationwide in coming decades.
- In a statement, Rick Piltz of the Government Accountability Project, a former U.S. Climate Change Science Program (USCCSP) staffer, charged that EPA had stalled release of the health report since April for political reasons.
- "If you read between the lines," says Sen. Barbara Boxer, (D-Calif.), "this EPA report on the health effects of climate change provides further evidence that our families and communities are seriously endangered by global warming, and that we must act now. Unfortunately, as the Bush Administration made clear last week, they have no plan to address this serious threat."
USA Today
Feds: Climate change to cause 'irreversible' health risks
By Dan Vergano
July 18, 2008
An Environmental Protection Agency report released Thursday warns that global warming will increase disease and other health problems nationwide in coming decades.
"Climate change poses real risks to human health," says the EPA's Joel Scheraga. Some of the environmental effects will be irreversible, he says. The report details health impacts ranging from Hantavirus to wildfires to asthma, all increased by climate change.
In a statement, Rick Piltz of the Government Accountability Project, a former U.S. Climate Change Science Program (USCCSP) staffer, charged that EPA had stalled release of the health report since April for political reasons. And, he charges, the agency did not mention the health risks in a recent Supreme Court-ordered report on the dangers of greenhouse gases.
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