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The Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming addressed our nation's energy, economic and national security challenges during the 110th and 111th Congresses.

This is an archived version of the committee's website, where the public, students and the media can continue to access and learn from our work.

Global Meeting: Climate is No. 1 threat to polar bears

An AP article in USA Today outlines the danger that climate change poses to the polar bear, as discussed at a meeting between the five nations that border the Arctic.

  • Global warming is melting the arctic ice that his home to polar bears and the seals they hunt.
  • The meeting was the first time in 28 years that the 1973 Polar Bear Agreement has been reviewed by the Arctic nations.
  • The group agreed that "the long-term conservation of polar bears depends on successful mitigation of climate change"

Global meeting: Climate is No. 1 threat to polar bears
USA Today/AP
March 20, 2009

OSLO (AP) — The very survival of polar bears depends on how well humans fight climate change, which is the biggest threat facing the giant carnivores, the five nations bordering the Arctic said Thursday.

Representatives from the U.S., Canada, Russia, Norway and Denmark noted with "deep concern" that global warming was melting the Arctic ice that is home to polar bears and their main prey: seals.

"Climate change has a negative impact on polar bears and their habitat and is the most important long-term threat facing polar bears," the five nations said in a joint declaration after a three-day meeting in Tromsoe, northern Norway.

To read the full article, please CLICK HERE.

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