Science not faked, but not pretty
Seth Borenstein, Raphael Satter and Malcolm Ritter of the Associated Press investigate emails stolen from climate scientists.
- The messages do not support claims that the science of global warming was faked.
- The exchanges do not undercut the vast body of evidence showing that the world is warming because of man-made greenhouse gas emissions.
- According to Mark Frankel of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, there is "no evidence of falsification or fabrication of data, although concerns could be raised about some instances of very 'generous interpretations.'"
An excerpt from the AP story is below. To read the full article, please CLICK HERE.
Science Not Faked, but Not Pretty
By Seth Borenstein, Raphael Satter and Malcolm Ritter
The Associated Press
E-mails stolen from climate scientists show they stonewalled skeptics and discussed hiding data — but the messages don't support claims that the science of global warming was faked, according to an exhaustive review by The Associated Press.
The 1,073 e-mails examined by the AP show that scientists harbored private doubts, however slight and fleeting, even as they told the world they were certain about climate change. However, the exchanges don't undercut the vast body of evidence showing the world is warming because of man-made greenhouse gas emissions.
The scientists were keenly aware of how their work would be viewed and used, and, just like politicians, went to great pains to shape their message. Sometimes, they sounded more like schoolyard taunts than scientific tenets.
To read the full article, please CLICK HERE.